Regulating act 1773 is come into exist when british east india company go to crown for financial assistance this was the first written act which decided company jurisdiction,authority etc. In india Circumatances of regulating act:- 1-curroption of company bureaucrats 2-negative openion of indians about company 3- defects of dual government 4- heavy debts of the the company Provision:- 1- Governer of bengal become the Governer general of bengal..his council was made in which four member assisted the Governer general and Governer general empowered to exercise his power on madras nd Bamby precidencies 2-suprime court was established in Calcutta in which chief justice was assisted by 3 judges 3- company has report its annual report to british parliament Effect:- 1- the constitution of british east india company was reformed it means company rule in india was re established 2-member of board of director was elected for the tinure of 5 year in which 1/4 member is retaired e...
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