Chinese company iVoomi launched the Me Series two cheap handsets Me1 and Me1 + smartphones on Tuesday. These smartphones equipped with 4G VoLTE are priced at Rs 3,999 and Rs 4,999, respectively. Sales of these smartphones will start on Tuesday at FEATURES :- IVoomi Me1 and iVoomi Me1 + have a 5 inch HD IPS display. These smartphones have a 2.5D worm glass. These phones run on the Android Marshmelo 6.0 operating software, which can also be upgraded to Android 7.0 Marshmallow. These two phones have 1.2GHz quad-core processor and 1GB RAM. Talking about the camera, Me1 has a 5MP front and rear camera. While the Me1 + has 8MP rear and 5MP front camera. Both of these phones have an LED flash on the rear. Me1 has 8GB inbuilt storage while Me1 + has 16GB of inbuilt storage. The storage of both can be increased to 128GB via microSD card. Connectivity and battery Both Me1 and Me1 + have been dual-sim support in both the smartphones. Phones support 4G VoLTE. These smartphones ...
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